Quiz: What pet is right for you?

This quiz will help you to make right decision.

  1. 1 How responsible you are?

    1. Very responsible
    2. Responsible in my manner
    3. Not so much responsible
  2. 2 How much time you planning to spend with pet?

    1. I didn't plan that
    2. When I'm not too busy
    3. All my free time
  3. 3 What type of name you want to give your pet?

    1. Super cute name
    2. Name of famous or interesting personality
    3. I need to see pets face to decide
  4. 4 Where do you live?

    1. Apartment
    2. House
    3. Ranch
  5. 5 What is your day schedule like?

    1. I work 24 hour every 3 days
    2. I work night shift
    3. I work day shift
    4. I am pretty flexible
  6. 6 Would you like your pet to greet you at the door?

    1. No
    2. Yes
  7. 7 Your pet should be Male or Female?

    1. Female
    2. Male

Quiz: What pet is right for you?

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  1. Quiz result

    You need a cat.

    A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.
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  2. Quiz result

    Dog is just right for you!

    The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.
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Julia Robbins


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